Kick Depression

Beau's Cognitive Model of Depression

Depression is no longer a mystery. The best way to beat depression is to understand how it works. 

Cognitive theory for depression.

Beau's Cognitive Model of Depression. Copyright 2005

(Stressors + Cognitive distortions) X Rumination = Level of Distress

    Everybody has stressors, it is how one interprets the stressors that may or may not create problems. Cognitive distortions are a misinterpretation of the stressors. Without rumination, cognitive distortions are merely erroneous thoughts that create the "steam" or power for the cognitive distortions to do their damage. Repeating erroneous thoughts in your mind makes the cognitive distortion believable. Cognitive therapy teaches how to eliminate cognitive distortions.

    Rumination appears to be the foundation of depression, replaying the problem over and over again. Some call it brooding or stewing, others call it analyzing the problem. Paradoxically, most likely there is not a solution, creating a bigger problem that doesn't solve the original problem. Not everyone ruminates, just the ones who become depressed. This can be changed through "thought-stopping" techinques. I prefer to use only cognitive thought-stopping technique I developed. It is interesting to me that many psychologists believe that rumination can not be stopped. I have many former clients who have stopped and are happy about being free from problems controlling their thoughts.

Beau's tenets

1) Moods are caused by thoughts*
2) Depressed feelings can be traced to cognitive distortions
3) Rumination makes the cognitive distortions believable to the individual
4) Eliminate cognitive distortions and rumination and your mood will go up

*Exceptions: biologically caused disorders such as, bi-polar, schizophrenia, postpartum depression, head injury and menopause. However, these techniques can help.

Learn to stop rumination. Schedule a time to learn "The Rumination Talk." Copyright 2005.

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